Fighting the aging process: your skincare routine is not enough

Aging is an inevitable process that becomes noticeable on the face after approximately 35 years of age. Creams and treatments can be applied to prevent and correct facial wrinkles, spots, and sagging. But oral health is also important in this anti-aging search. The loss of one or more teeth causes bone to be lost in the jaw over time and signs of aging are generated. Among the most notable is the facial inclination, where the lower jaw is forward, reducing the size of the lower portion of the face.

aging, dental bone loss process

Consequences of bone loss

As a consequence of bone loss in the jaw, the following is generated:

  • Retracted lips
  • Wrinkles around the lips
  • Loosening and shifting of other teeth
  • Bite modification

Treatment for dental bone loss

If there is bone loss in the jaw, the solution can be done by placing “artificial” bone and putting a dental implant and crown to replace the lost tooth. This treatment is very safe and satisfactory when it is performed by the specialist and the patient meets certain requirements.

If the cosmetic result is the priority, the treatment can be complemented with a gum graft. This way, the area with a big gum retraction can be covered, improving the smile’s appearance. 

Prevent jaw bone loss

The first step is to prevent tooth loss. Therefore, preventive dental checkups and cleaning at least once every 6 months help to maintain good oral health. The key to maintaining good oral health at home is a daily dental cleaning, which consists of brushing, flossing, and rinsing your teeth. 

If you have already lost a tooth, the only treatment that replaces the loss of the tooth’s root is a dental implant. This way, bone will not be lost in the area where the tooth was lost. For this treatment, an evaluation with a specialist is necessary as tests must be done to determine if a patient is eligible.


Are you interested in scheduling an appointment to prevent or treat dental bone loss?

Schedule with us through WhatsApp or email. At your appointment, our dental specialists will evaluate and inform you of the possible treatments for your case and answer all your questions. If you are not currently in Lima, send the details of how we can help.  Our dental office in Lima has the latest technology and trained dentists to give you the best dental treatment.

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