The best dentists for seniors

As the years go by, teeth can change color, shape, and even deterioration of oral health can occur as a result of chronic diseases or medications that the patient takes. Even teeth and gum problems can be caused by long-term habits such as smoking and teeth clenching. At Cavero y Valverde Dentistas Asociados, we know that a healthy smile is of utmost importance to improve quality of life. That is why we strive to be the best dentists for seniors.

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Why choose our dental office?

Personalized attention: We have a team of professionals with more than 25 years of experience, highly trained and sensitive to the needs of older adults. We take the time to listen to your concerns and offer friendly and close treatment.

Cozy, senior-friendly environment: Our facilities are designed to make you feel comfortable and safe. We offer a quiet space and our facilities have elevators, parking, and facilities equipped to receive patients with mobility problems.

Cutting-edge technology: We use the most advanced technology to ensure accurate diagnoses and high-quality treatments.

Wide range of services: We offer a wide range of specialties, including:

Customized Treatment Plans: We design personalized treatment plans that fit your needs and budget. In addition, our dentists are prepared to take into consideration the general health of the elderly to indicate the most appropriate treatment. If necessary, they will consult with the patient’s primary doctor. By working together it will be possible to have a greater chance of success in the treatments.


Schedule an appointment today on WhatsApp and discover why we are the best dentists for older adults and the best option to take care of your oral health. We will gladly have you at our dental office in the Santiago de Surco district, Lima, Peru. You are not in Peru? No problem! We know that dental treatment in other countries can be expensive compared to Peru. We will help you plan your trip to Peru and guide you on how many dates we need you in the office so you can also enjoy your trip to Peru. You can also send an email to to schedule an appointment with us.

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