5 most important care tips for your dental veneers

Congratulations on deciding to go with dental veneers to improve your smile! Once you achieve the smile you have always wanted with the veneers, you must be careful to maintain that beautiful smile for as long as possible. What care should you have with dental veneers?

Depending on the material of the veneers, they can be more delicate than others. The following care is for ceramic veneers, which are the most recommended by our specialists.

  1. Avoid biting or reduce the consumption of very hard or sticky foods. For example, ice, hard candy, raw carrot, nuts, etc.
  2. Avoid lever movement. Cutting food into pieces, such as splitting an apple, rather than biting into the whole apple is preferable. The same goes for the snacks.
  3. Do not clench your teeth or wear a Bite Splint or a Night Guard. Constantly clenching your teeth very hard can be an unconscious way to release stress. However, this can cause a fracture to the veneer. A splint will help prevent the veneers from breaking due to pressure, pain, and wear on the teeth!
  4. Maintain adequate oral health. Brushing your teeth, flossing, using mouthwash, and getting a professional cleaning at least once a year will help prevent diseases that can compromise your veneers.
  5. Visit your dentist to rule out the appearance of cavities in areas where the natural tooth is exposed or take corrective measures in time.

These five tips are easy steps to ensure that you are taking care of your veneers. Follow them and your veneers will last a long time!

You can schedule an appointment with our dentists in Lima at 999925083 or 996353550. Our dental clinic is located in Surco. Our specialists will do a dental evaluation to verify that everything is fine or, if you are interested in improving your smile, we will gladly assist you to see what the best treatment options are (whether veneers, crowns, implants, etc.) and make a quote. If you are coming from a different country for dental tourism, please contact us beforehand. We may be able to use exams or x-rays from your dentist in your home country.

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